Rev. Brother Alphonsus Chee F.S.C. (1928 ¡V now)
The Seventh Principal of La Salle College

Brother Alphonsus was born in Ipoh, Malaysia in 1928, a famous tin-mining city and was once the richest city in the area. He was the sixth child in family of 5 boys and 5 girls. He started his studies in the prestigious. St. Michael's Institution (SMI) run by the Christian Brothers. During the War, Brother Alphonsus stayed in the farm of his brother in Ipoh. He spent his time planting potatoes and vegetables. After the War, he resumed his studies in SMI. He became a teacher of SMI in 1950. In 1954, he joined the Order. Then Brother Alphonsus was transferred to Penang for further training. He served in Penang for many years. Later on, he went to the University of New South Wales, Australia for further education. After serving for 2 years in Malaysia, he came to Hong Kong.

In 1968, Brother Alphonsus started teaching in La Salle College. He became the Principal of De La Salle Secondary School, Fanling in 1971-72. Then he returned to La Salle College. Besides teaching, he was the Tennis Master. Lester Huang, one of the Past Presidents of the LSCOBA, belonged to his team. Under his guidance, La Salle College shone in the Interschool Tennis Competitions.

After serving for about 10 years in La Salle College, he was appointed the Deputy Head of the school in 1978. In September 1984, he became the Principal of La Salle College. He upheld discipline and order in the coming six years, Under his tutelage, the fame of La Salle College reached a new horizon. La Salle College captured the Overall Championship in the Interschool Athletics Meet for consecutive years. The soccer team, volleyball team, squash team, fencing team and the swimming team dominated the interschool competitions. The Omega Rose Bowl ¡V the Grand Championship in all interschool sports was always kept in our office. Acadmic results were superb. Take an example. In 1986, Kam Chi Kong scored straight A's in the HKCEE and won the Charles Frankland Moore Award of the Sino British Fellowship Trust Scholars Association. Other students won numerous local and overseas scholarships. The Chinese Debating Team won several championships during these years.

As mentioned, Brother Alphonsus believes in order and discipline. Routine must be adhered. He accepted no excuses. However, these were superficial findings only. Deep in his heart he cared about everyone. He cared about the welfare of the minor staff. He was ready to approve student activities as long as they were reasonable. Michael Lee (1987) and Constantine Au (1987) had this experience:

¡¥1988, Samson Cheung of F.7C left for the USA. His departure time was in the afternoon on a school day. Many of us would like to wish him farewell. We were ¡§selected¡¨ by our schoolmates to speak to Brother Alphonsus. We went to the Principal¡¦sOffice early in the morning, with our hands and feet trembling. What we had in mind were: ¡§Why the two of us?¡¨ Brother Alphonsus asked why we wanted to speak to him. I answered, ¡§Samson Cheung of F.7C is leaving today and ¡K¡¨ Well, I dared not to continue. Michael Lee finished my sentence by saying, ¡§and we want to wish him farewell in the airport.¡¨ We waited quietly for his answer. After one or two seconds Brother Alphonsus asked quietly, ¡§What is his departure time?¡¨ About 3 o¡¦clock and we want to skip the last lesson.¡¨ We stood there for another 5 seconds. ¡§Boys of F.7C can go. Give me the names of the other students who wish to go. You can leave after lunch time.¡¨ Well, now I know what the Bible means by ¡§Ask and you will receive.¡¦

In 1990, Brother Alphonsus retired. He is now enjoyed his time in the Brothers' Residence on the fifth floor reading books and browsing the Internet.


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