1. Lasallian Core Values
The Characteristics of the Lasallian Educator - By Br. Patrick (Ipoh, 2011)
Preparing Future Leaders for the Lasallian Mission - PARC (4th – 13th July 2009)
2. Staff Development Day
The Teachers Induction Day 2015
School-based Staff Development Workshop, 23rd Aug, 2011 - LSP
Lasallian Formation Program for New Staff, 19th Aug, 2011 - CSKP
Lasallian Formation Program for New Teachers, 17th Aug, 2011 - CSK
School-based Staff Development Workshop, 27th Jun, 2011 - DLS
The Virtue of Patience, 13th May, 2011 - CSKP
Lasallian Educational Values and Missions, 26th March, 2011 - LSC
Discipline - A Lasallian's perspective, 14th March, 2011 - CGHC
School-based Staff Development Workshop, 25th Aug, 2010 - LSP
School-based Staff Development Workshop, 20th Aug, 2010 - CSKP
The Life and Contributions of St. John Baptist De La Salle,14th May, 2010 - DLS
3. International Symposium of Young Lasallians
4. Sharing by member schools
- An approach to teaching Religious Studies
by Bosco Chan at CSK