The Three Masters Mural Replica

Location : Foyer of La Salle Primary
Artist :Francisco Borboa

This mural may also be entitled Teacher of Teachers. The original, facing La Salle Road, was installed in 1971 and unveiled 3rd March 1972 by no less than Brother Charles Henry, the then Superior General. The replica was installed in 2004 and unveiled by Brother Victor Franco, General Councillor, on 27.3.2004

The lower left segment depicts the great master of Chinese philosophy, Confucius, along with his disciples. In the background are the peaks of Quilin and an ocean, symbolising China.

The lower right segment depicts the great Master of modern pedagogy, John Baptist de La Salle, seen teaching his Hong Kong disciples the Christian philosophy of life. In the background is the silhouette of the old La Salle College building and Hong Kong Island harbour-view.

At the centre of the mural is the figure of Jesus Christ, the Master of Masters, with his divine message of the love of God for human kind. He opens his arms embracing the world. His cross is a triumphant cross, promising a resurrection.