9 April 2012
160 Years Lasallian Presence in Asia Celebrated: St Xavier’s Institution, Penang, the site of the first LasallianSchool in Asia was the ideal location for well over 500 people, including 50 Brothers to celebrate 160 years since the Brothers arrived in Singapore and Penang. After a Mass of Thanksgiving there was an unveiling of the history of SXI and of 4 Memorial tablets. The Chief Minister of Penang (an alumnus), Mr Lim Guan Eng was the honoured guest at the dinner. A letter from Bro Superior to mark the occasion was read out. The 50 Brothers sang the Salve Regina during the function, much to the delight of all present. Other celebratory functions are planned throughout Malaysia. A further function is planned in Singapore on 20 April. President Tan (Lasallian) will be the Chief Guest.
Visit De La Salle Catholic University Manado: Bro John Pill and I were in Manado prior to Easter primarily to run a workshop for Signum Fidei. However, Fr Revi, Rector invited others and over 60 people were present for the seminar on Circular 461 and themes of IA 2013. One of the staff is currently translating Circular 461 and the Signum Fidei Rule of Life into Bahasa Indonesia. It is four years since I was in Manado. The university is flourishing with over 1500 students, new buildings and most of its graduates securing employment. French volunteers live in the “Brothers House”. There were many requests for the Brothers to return, especially as we now have our first Indonesian; Bro Ignaci!
Incoming Novices: 12 candidates will commence their novitiate in Lipa mid May. PNG (1), Pakistan (2), Philippines (6), Myanmar (3).
LEAD Chapter: Stella Maris, Penang provided the venue for the 34 Brother Delegates to the LEAD Chapter. As is the current practice with Chapters today, the preparatory work was excellent and enhanced the proceedings. A chief facilitator and discussants was a feature of the process which included a review of the Statutes of the District. The documentation is now in Rome awaiting approval. Congratulations to Bro Visitor and all involved.
PARC Lasallian Womens Symposium: As of last week, 48 women from 13 countries In PARC including Indonesia, the USA and South Africa have registered. This is an excellent response and thanks to all who have promoted same. Myanmar, Japan and Vietnam are unable to send delegates due mainly to language challenges.
Appointment Singapore: Bro George Van Grieken (San Francisco) has been appointed “Brother President” of SJI International. He will take up this appointment on 1 June and reside at the SJI community.
Frere Gregoire Tan: In a recent email Frere Gregoire (former Visitor Vietnam) informs that he has been in Togo for four weeks. He commenced in a community with 5 local Brothers in Togoville in a high school with 400 students. He is now in the Postulancy with a Brother Director and three Postulants where he is an “aide-informaticien”. In his spare time he takes walks around the village to get to know the people. He asks for prayers for his intentions.
Request RELAF: Some time ago I emailed PARC with a request from Bro Gabriel Some, General Councillor, for English speaking Brothers to go to Africa for short term placements to teach English to Brothers from Francophone Africa. Is anyone able to assist?
Contacts PARC Office: Kindly use Bro John Pill’s primary email: johnpill.parc@gmail.com.When I am in India my mobile number is: +919688367126
Easter greetings
David Hawke FSC
General Councillor PARC