Date: Thursday, 7th June 2007
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: La SalleCollege, Conference Room
- Opening Prayer: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College
- Adoption of Minutes
- Matters Arising
- Incorporated Management Committee ¡V Draft Constitution for Lasallian Schools in Hong Kong
- Camp Lasalle 2007
- New Senior Secondary Curriculum
- Primary Schools Report
- Individual Schools Updates
- A.O.B.
- Date of next meeting
Much of the discussion centered around the Draft Constitution for the projected Incorporated Management Committees in our schools. Each item of the Draft was studied and suggestions for improvement or matters of clarification will be sent to the Hong Kong Lasallian Education Council.
The Principals also bade a fond farewell to Mr. Ho Kong Hin, Principal of Chong Gene Hang College, who is retiring on the first of September 2007, after serving the College for 34 years.
